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Denise Leslie Quoted on Signature Bride

Check out Denise's contribution to the Signature Bride article, "5 Ways to Make Time for Yourself as a Busy Bride."

As a busy bride with a career or maybe school or kids, there are countless demands across all areas of life that require your energy and attention, meaning time for yourself can easily wind up squeezed out of your days. Add in wedding planning and prioritization of your well-being can forever feel like it’s out of reach.

Self-care, which is nurturing your mental, physical and emotional health, is a phrase and concept that most of us are familiar with now. Though the specifics of self-care look different for everyone, many find slowing down and checking in with themselves to be an important part of practicing it.

Giving yourself the space to take a breather—figuratively and literally—is vital to your wellness. Denise Leslie, a licensed massage therapist and the CEO/founder of Medical & Sports Massage in Metro Atlanta, says: “What happens is that we give our brain a chance to reboot. It improves our concentration, it increases our productivity, and it helps us discover or rediscover our own intentions.”

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